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The MP3 Tagger

MP3 TaggerThe MP3 Tagger was created as a small utility for my new MP3 player. The Player only shows the file names in the menu and sorts the tracks by the file names, so the order is not what I would like it to have. With this program you can easily change the filenames of MP3 files and you can customize two tags in all files.
The program is only available in an English user interface. However i am a german, so there might be some spelling errors.


There are two modes. The one active at the first start is the File Mode. It is recommended for beginners and is used to edit some or all MP3 files in a directory.

Navigate first in the directory tree on the left side of the window to your target directory. You will then see all MP3 files of this folder in the middle window.

You can now select the files. You can select multiple files by holding down the CTRL key while clicking on them. You can select several files in a block by holding down the Shift key and clicking on the first and last file.
In the menu "Select" you will find commands to mark all files, not to mark any file (since one click already marks it) and to invert the selection, i.e. every unmarked file is marked and every marked file is no longer marked. This is very useful if there are only a few files you don't want to edit, you can mark them and then invert the selection.

When you click on a file, you will see in the status bar at the bottom from left to right the used tags for title, artist, album, genre and release date. If these fields are completely or partially empty, the file does not contain these tags.

Rename MP3 files

In the first edit field you enter the mask for renaming. This is a text in which you use placeholders for important tag fields. A placeholder consists of the percent sign (%) and a letter. The following placeholders are available:

Every other text in the edit field is taken as it is, so the text "Disco - %t (%a)" could result in the following file name for example "Disco - I will survive (Gloria Gaynor)".

Some frequently used defaults settings can be found in the Format menu. A click on them replaces the text in the edit field with these defaults.

With an own mask you can create lists, which are not possible otherwise, e.g. sort all titles by genre or release date.

A click on Test in the Action menu fills the third column with the new file names according to the mask. Use this to test the mask. But no file will be renamed yet. If a tag used in the mask does not exist in the MP3 file, which is the normal case for self-ripped albums, the file name will not be changed, you will find the original file name in the result list.

Since special characters are allowed in the tags, which are forbidden in the file system, like the colon, the file name is searched for invalid characters after creating the mask and these are replaced by a space. You can also restrict the character set to DOS (Settings menu). Then the umlauts and accents that occur in European languages are allowed, but characters in languages that do not use the Latin alphabet such as Cyrillic, Chinese or Arabic are not. These characters are then also replaced by a space. Multiple Space through this operation are cut down to one.

If you like the change, click on "Rename" and after you have confirmed, that you like the change, the files will be renamed. You will then receive a success message, how many files could be renamed. If there are less files than marked, this can have several reasons, e.g. a file can be in use (currently playing) or it is read-only file. Furthermore, only files with a changed file name are renamed. (Logical or not ?). So if you rename the same files twice with the same mask, you get a message that 0 files have been renamed.

Set genre or artist

If you only want to listen to files of a certain genre, most MP3 players offer the possibility to do so. Unfortunately, in my opinion the classification of the genre is very granular and often wrong. There are 80 predefined genres in the standard, Winamp has defined another 170. For "rock" alone there are seven genres in the standard (Classic Rock, Rock, Alternative Rock, Southern Rock, Rock'n Roll, Hard Rock, Instrumental Rock). With the function Set Genre, you can permanently change the genre tag in the selected files. You can make the change for that in the second edit field, the one on the right. Also here you first select the files you want to change. After a confirmation prompt the tag in all selected files will be changed.

The same function is also available for the artist. Why this? Well, for more complex artist names there are several spellings, e.g. "KC and the Sunshine Band", "KC & the Sunshine Band", "KC & Sunshine Band", "KC Sunshine Band", or simply "KC". Even for the Beatles you will find "The Beatles" and "Beatles" - although this will change the position in the alphabetically sorted list. For my MP3 player, different names (even with onle different char) are different artists and this only makes it more difficult to listen to the tracks of "KC & Co". So you can exchange the artist in the tag just as easily. You usually do this in directory mode, because I assume that You have a hierarchical structure, so below a folder "KC" they put the albums and singles of him in subdirectories.

folder mode

In folder mode, the functions described so far work in the same way as in file mode. The only difference is that you now mark entire directories in the middle part of the window. In this part of the Window you will only see in the folder Mode directories, no files. All MP3 files in these directories (and directories below them) are then processed in the same way as in File mode. This is very smart, if you want to standardize several albums of an artist in this way, i.e. have a uniform format or enter the same artist / genre everywhere.


Click on the info entry (F2) to open a dialog. You can look from this dialog at the homepage (this page), another click will open your email application, where my email-address is already entered. You can also donate with Paypal or download a new version. The new version comes as a ZIP archive, which you have to unpack by yourself. Important! You can only replace the program with a new version from the archive, if you close Mp3Tagger before.


MP3-Tag: A program that is useful if the collection does not contain any tags, e.g. because it was ripped from CDs. It can query online databases and suggests which album it could be.
1by1: Minimalistic but for me adequate MP3 player
Mp3directCut: Useful when you need to cut something out of an MP3, for example because it's out of a, video (chatter at the beginning) or it has a very long silence at the end. Can also slowly lower / raise the volume at the end / beginning.


Last version 1,0

Installation: The program has no Windows Installer, it does not write anything into the registry. Extract it from the zip-archive into a folder of your choice or create a new directory. If you need a shortcut in the start menu or on the desktop, just click on the two menu items in the settings menu.

The program was created under Windows 10, but should run without problems on Windows Vista and later. It can also be copied to a USB stick.

Version history

28.2.2020: Version 1.0


Wenn sie beim Starten eines meiner Programme einen Alarm ihrer Antiviren Software bekommen, dann ist dies ein Fehlalarm, verursacht durch eine Post-Mortem Modul, dass Abstürze und Fehler meldet. Mehr finden sie auf dieser Seite.

If you get an alert from your antivirus software, when you start one of my programs, this is a false alarm, caused by a post-mortem module, that reports crashes and errors. You can find more information about this on this page.



Zum Thema Computer ist auch von mir ein Buch erschienen. "Computergeschichte(n)" beinhaltet, das was der Titel aussagt: einzelne Episoden aus der Frühzeit des PC. Es sind Episoden aus den Lebensläufen von Ed Roberts, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Stephen Wozniak, Gary Kildall, Adam Osborne, Jack Tramiel und Chuck Peddle und wie sie den PC schufen.

Das Buch wird abgerundet durch eine kurze Erklärung der Computertechnik vor dem PC, sowie einer Zusammenfassung was danach geschah, als die Claims abgesteckt waren. Ich habe versucht ein Buch zu schreiben, dass sie dahingehend von anderen Büchern abhebt, dass es nicht nur Geschichte erzählt sondern auch erklärt warum bestimmte Produkte erfolgreich waren, also auf die Technik eingeht.

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Mehr über das Buch auf dieser eigenen Seite.

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© des Textes: Bernd Leitenberger. Jede Veröffentlichung dieses Textes im Ganzen oder in Auszügen darf nur mit Zustimmung des Urhebers erfolgen.
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