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In this Tutorial you will learn how to export the data as an CSV file. At first we want to see some new possibilities to select data.
An alternative to an selection by an query is the selection of a date. For that you click on the Edit menu, then on Date select. In the following Dialog you can type in an start date and an end date, or you can select the date via an calendar. The calendar pops up when you click on the arrow right the edit field.
The other options are the same as in the field query (see lection 1). you can add the selection to an existing, create a new one or (most useful) you can extract from an existing selection the date range. For example you can select all Soyuz Starts via a field select and "Soyuz" as Search text and launch vehicle as field. You will get more than 1700 results. When you now apply an Date select of 01.0.12001 and 01.01.2009 you will get all Launches of an Soyuz in this range.
Another possibility to extract only a part of you date is to tale the first or last entries of the table you see. There. For that click on the "Only first ... entries" or "Only last ... entries". Selection in the Edit menu. This also works on the current selection.
When you have made fails selection or the result is not what you want, you can restore the table.
When you export the data you can sort them after a field. When you wanted the data sorted after several fields for example first after date, then after payload name or launch vehicle name you can sort them first. The Quicksort Sorting is the fastest, but if your repeat the sorting after several fields you must know that he does not preserve the sort order. So its only useful if you sort after one field.
You can exclude secondary payloads in your selection. when you forget it and you made a complex selection after different criteria you don't want to rebuild it again to exclude them. you can do it afterwards by clicking on this menu. On every launch one payload is the primary one. Normally its the fist payload which is freed by the launcher.
You can export the data also in a low level raw format, called CSV. CSV is the acronym for comma separated values, meaning that the data has no description about the format, but a delimiter (normally the comma9 is used as an indicator to separate the values. Each row is in one line.
Most spread sheets and data bases can import these files. But they differ in the delimiters they use. Often they use 2 delimiters. One is between tow fields, indicating the columns of the file. Comma or semicolon are used for this. Another delimiter can be used to differ between strings and numerical values. Strings are enclosed by this delimiter. Here often the single or double quote marks are used.
When you use Excel the field delimiter should be a semicolon (;) and the string delimiter should be a double quote mark ("). Other software is customizable. so Open Office let you the choice which delimiter you want to use and it shows you a preview of the imported table. You set the delimiters by choosing the menu entry "Set delimiters..." under the Settings menu. When you want to choose control chars as delimiters (mostly used for tab = ASCII 9) you can do this by writing them in the form #nn where nn is the ASCII number. Normally only used columns are exported. If your selection for example is from 1970 to 1980 and in the years 1975 and 1977 there were no rows for these years. you can include these rows with zero values also when you check "include years without launches".
You can export most data as CSV you also can export as HTML :
when you have checked "Launch application/browser" the application which is responsible for working with .CSV data is launched after creating it. When the application is started you can't access the file until the application is closed.
For German users you can change the language of the output (fields, results, generated files) to German. the language of the menu and help will always be in English.
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