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This little tutorial should show you the capabilities of the program, especially the possibility to create web pages. In this chapter we will show you some Options. At first there is the Option "Include Success Stats" which you can check or uncheck. What does this mean? You can include success stats in different tables and summaries. This is for a not summarized table and it will change a table like this:
Datum/Uhrzeit | Datum | Nutzlast | Trägerrakete | Startplatz |
√ | 07.01.1998 | Lunar Prospector | Athena-2 | SPFL SLC46 |
√ | 27.01.1999 | Formosat-1 | Athena-1 | SPFL SLC46 |
─ | 27.04.1999 | Ikonos 1 | Athena-2 | V SLC6 |
√ | 24.09.1999 | Ikonos | Athena-2 | V SLC6 |
√ | 30.09.2001 | Starshine 3 (SO-43) | Athena-1 | KLC |
Gesamt | Starts | Erfolge |
Gesamt | 5 | 4 |
in this table: (Selection for both tables is "Athena" for the field "launch vehicle" and "New selection" marked in the Export menu, item, Select by Field
Datum/Uhrzeit | Datum | Nutzlast | Trägerrakete | Startplatz | Erfolgsquote |
√ | 07.01.1998 | Lunar Prospector | Athena-2 | SPFL SLC46 | 100,00 |
√ | 27.01.1999 | Formosat-1 | Athena-1 | SPFL SLC46 | 100,00 |
─ | 27.04.1999 | Ikonos 1 | Athena-2 | V SLC6 | 66,67 |
√ | 24.09.1999 | Ikonos | Athena-2 | V SLC6 | 75,00 |
√ | 30.09.2001 | Starshine 3 (SO-43) | Athena-1 | KLC | 80,00 |
Gesamt | Starts | Erfolge | Erfolgreich [%] |
Gesamt | 5 | 4 | 80,00 |
You also see here the use of two alternate used colors. (Settings → HTML Colors → Alternate Colors) This included column is a floating success stat. It calculates the total success after each launch. In this example the first 2 launches were successful - 100 % reliability, then one launch was not successful - 2 of 3 were successful that are 66.67 %. The next was again successful now 3 of 4 (75) and the last was also successful (4 of 5 = 80 %). You can see how the success quote of the launcher is changing over the years. Most launchers show a grow curve - the success starts were getting better in trend. Some reach a high plateau which they hold.
The option "Copy also in clipboard" means that the result is also copied in the clipboard. Well for that is that good? Mainly its for HTML code, which should not in a new page but you need it to insert it in another page. For example a list of all ranger launches in an article about ranger or a list of all Apollo launches in an article about Apollo. In that case I often created a dummy page which I opened in my HTML Editor, cut out the code of the table and later inserted it at the right position in the article.
I did not wanted to create for every export another menu item called "export
in clipboard" so I simply added this feature. Now the html code is in the
clipboard and you don't have to care about the created web page.
Where the pages are created you can set up in the settings menu under Folders. Before each export the responding dir will be set in the open dialog. You have the freedom to write your file wherever you want, but it will open the directories in the dialog which you have set up there. You can edit each field or you can click on the button on the right to select it from an dialog. There are 3 folders: One for the CSV Files, one for the JTML pages and one for the charts. When the charts are linked in HTML pages the program use relative names, so that they also work on the internet and not only local. Then you for example store your html pages in C:\my web sites\html\ and the images in C:\my web sites\img\ the img src tag will be get "../img/.chart.gif" as URL. At startup the folders are all set to your "My documents folder".
All folders must be end with an backslash, if you forget the backslash,
the program will automatic append one..
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